No. 54€ 10.000,-
Gender | Mare |
Color | vos |
Date of birth | 17-2-2017 |
Breeder | J.F. Abbring, Onnen |
Breeding direction | Springen |
Pedigree | Arezzo VDL x Corland |
This interesting filly was bred out of the regional champion mare Atersina, who finished third in the final of the national mare championship as a 3-yo. Atersina scored 81 points in the mare test and honors her excellent origines. Granddam Tersina was competing on 1.30m level and already foaled the international 1.45m jumper Eleganto (s.Indoctro). She is also the granddam of the 1.40m horse Detersina (s.Corland). Besides that, Tersina is a half sister of the Grand Prix mare Rocksina (s.Corland), the 1.55m jumper Alpha VDL (s.Corland) and full sister of the 1.45m-jumping Ahorn-son Secretly, which makes clear that Mersina represents an outstanding damline. She is sired by the international sport and breeding stallion Arezzo VDL, who stands out as a progenitor. |
Arezzo VDL |
Chin Chin |
Constant |
Cor de la Bryere |
Ella H |
Larese |
Farnese |
Cesta H |
Sarjolijn ster vrl. keur prest |
Heartbreaker pref |
Nimmerdor pref |
Bacarole ster |
Farjolijn ster prest |
Renville keur |
Parjolijn ster pref |
Atersina keur ibop-sp |
Corland keur |
Cor de la Bryere |
Rantzau |
Quenotte |
Thyra HSP |
Landgraf I |
Odetta |
Tersina keur pref. sport-spr |
Ahorn pref |
Nimmerdor pref |
M.Hyazinthe keur pref. prest |
Kersina keur pref. prest |
Emilion pref |
Obligeant pref. prest |