No. 58€ 23.000,-
Gender | Stallion |
Color | bruin |
Date of birth | 1-4-2017 |
Breeder | R. Tel, Drogeham |
Breeding direction | Springen |
Pedigree | Cornet Obolensky x Baloubet du Rouet |
In the pedigree of this well-bred Me The Rebel R.T. we see the genes of the international successful stallions Cornet Obolensky, Baloubet du Rouet and Quasimodo Z in line. Both Cornet Obolensky and Baloubet du Rouet have competed at the Olympic Games, where Baloubet du Rouet even won a gold medal. Both stallions already gave numerous international jumping horses. Also this damline has proven itself. Quivera Dennehoeve Z is a half sister of the Grand Prix jumper Amparo Z (s.Andiamo) of Doron Kuipers and the Zangersheide approved stallion Gentleman van de Dennenhoeve (s.Calato), that has competed at 1.45m level, and the 1.40m jumper Jarnac van de Dennehoeve (s.Thunder). A full brother of this colt was invited for the second round viewing of the KWPN stallion show. |
Cornet Obolensky |
Clinton |
Corrado I |
Cor de la Bryere |
Soleil |
Urte I |
Masetto |
Ohra |
Rabanna v Clost |
Heartbreaker pref |
Nimmerdor pref |
Bacarole ster |
Holivea v.Clost |
Randel Z |
Gudula |
Fequivera-M |
Baloubet du Rouet |
Galoubet A |
H.Almé Z |
Viti T.F. |
Mesange du Rouet |
Starter |
Badine |
Quivera Dennehoeve Z |
Quasimodo Z |
Quidam de Revel |
Caloma Z Elite sport-spr |
Valida 'S' |
Calido I |
Landgravin |